Welcome to Hotwhip's WhipMasters membership program, designed for customers who appreciate innovation and quality. Whether you're a new user or a loyal customer, our membership program offers unparalleled exclusive privileges and surprises.
Membership Enrollment: Simply register or subscribe to become a member. Once you reach a membership level, your member discount will automatically apply at checkout on your next purchase.
Qualifying Purchases:
Membership levels are determined by actual spending. For example, if Andy purchases products totaling $101, applies a store discount of 14%, and pays $86.86, he qualifies as a Whip Apprentice. *All accumulated amounts are based on order completion*
Shipping Benefits:
Upon reaching Gold WhipMaster level, members enjoy free shipping on orders under $60 (store policy typically requires a $60 minimum). Members below Gold WhipMaster level also qualify for free shipping if their order reaches $60.
Upgrade Gifts:
Upon reaching Gold WhipMaster level, members receive a random product as a gift with each subsequent upgrade. At Whip Grandmaster level, members receive an exclusive commemorative item from Hotwhip.